Target User

Test with max 6 users who are likely to be regular and reasonably proficient online shoppers for food and/or groceries. They don't need to be experts in online shopping but know it exists and has placed at least one shopping order within the last 3-6 months.

We need to test across Desktop sizes and Mobile sizes - for this test though, we'll test the 'flow' on a laptop and desktop and then ask a mobile scroll question.

Alternatively, we want to test with people who do not regularly shop online for food or groceries but do visit local markets, farmers markets, local delis, local food hubs or specialist shops e.g. Asian markets, dietary specialists, ethnic or regional specialists.

Notes for testing:

Housekeeping questions

Setting the scene - preamble

We're testing part of the experience of shopping on the Open Food Network in order to better understand how real people use an online shopping kind of experience to purchase food and other produce. The Open Food Network platform is a way of finding local food hubs or producers to purchase goods from that aims to shorten the food supply chain so food and produce comes from 'farm to table' much quicker. Does that make sense to you?

We're going to default to the UK site unless there is an operational OFN in your country of residence.

I’ll ask you some questions about your online shopping behaviours first, then to complete 2-3 tasks using the website we're testing and then ask some general questions at the end if that’s alright. The test should not take longer than 40 minutes.

You have no need to feel pressure here, we’re testing the designs, not you, so don’t be afraid to explore and speak your mind.